The Dance
Intense, intuitive drawings erupt from deep within. Layer upon layer of paint and sometimes sand, varnish, bitumen, are applied energetically and quickly. These are scraped and reworked until the textured surfaces reflect the emotional and physical struggle that has ensued. The never-ending cycle of re-building, destroying and reconstituting the imagery becomes a ritual through which emotions are processed. Eventually, patience, contemplation and the essential dimension of time, bring a slow and conscious resolution to the final pieces.
The drawings emerge from a highly charged dance performed by a professional actor and dancer. In effect, the Dance is a Life-Dance reflecting the vibrancy, joy, ecstasy, sadness, terror, sensuality, sexuality, that make up the gamut of life experience. Each pose is held for a period of between one and twenty minutes. Several gestural, charcoal drawings are superimposed and the final pieces attempt to capture the essence of the movement and the emotional state of the dancer, as well as the artist’s response.